3-D Shape Artwork Rough Draft 2 The attached file is of a scan of a student's drawing used for the Calculicious Project...
3-D Shape Artwork Rough Draft 1 The attached file is of a scan of a student's drawing used for the Calculicious Project...
Woman Lounging on a Chair Photo A woman is seen lounging on a wave-like chair while drinking out of a martini glass. Th...
Calculicious Art in the San Diego Airport Art generated by students for the Calculicious project hangs in a hallway at the San Di...
Google SketchUp Art Shapes This photo is an export from Google SketchUp, a design program, that shows various 3d s...
Calculicious Project Calander This is the calendar for the Calculicious project, highlighting major deadlines and goa...
Banner Image for the Calculicious Project This banner shows the logo and tagline for the Calculicious project. The project had stu...
Calculicious Student Watercolors This pdf is a collection of all student watercolors that were generated for the Calculic...
Calculicious Student Paintings This pdf is a collection of all student paintings that were generated for the Calculicio...
Calculicious Student Sculptures This pdf is a collection of all student sculptures that were generated for the Calculici...