Lakeview Scultupre Process This video shows the first, second, and final drafts of a kinetic sculpture for the Lak...
Lakeview Project Overview A sheet for students to be introduced to the Lakeview project. It contains a story abou...
Lakeview Process Steps This pdf walks students through the steps of creating a kinetic sculputure: pre work, m...
A Wall of Books Cut Into Artistic Patterns for the Lakeview Project This photo focuses on a wall covered with participating student artwork, on display for...
A Draft Idea of an Display Area Installation The given photo seems to be a draft of a display layout, made by a participating studen...
Student Kinetic Sculputure Description The given photo is a scan of a participating student's handwritten explanation behind t...
A Teacher Demonstrating Kinetic Sculture The provided photo focuses on two students and their instructor from the Lake View proj...
Overhead of Students Constructing Kinetic Sculputures The provided photo focuses on two of the participating students from the Lake View proj...
Students Leaning Designing Kinetic Sculptures The given photo focuses on two participating students from the Lake View project, worki...
LakeView Exhibition Photos This documents is comprised of various photos that were taken at the exhibition for the...