Does My Vote Matter Exhibition The given photo focuses on a section of the classroom during what appears to be the fin...
Exhibition Activity Station “How Should We Vote?” Various papers are laid out on the table serving as the "ballots," a informational blur...
Student Stickey Notes of “Why we should vote” The given photo shows three of the school windows covered with various written particip...
Students Preparing their Presentation The attached photo shows three participants from the Does My Vote Matter Project, worki...
Students Examining Exhibition Poster The attached photo shows two of the participating students of the Does My Vote Matter P...
Student Groups Working Together This photo shows students of the Does My Vote Matter project working in a classroom. So...
Does My Vote Matter Project Exhibition This following has teacher Mele Sato narrate over clips of students exhibiting their vo...
PBL Essential Exhibition Video This video follows the exhibition rehearsal of the Does My Vote Matter Project. The eve...
Project Model Critique Video This video show the model critique stage of the Does My Vote Matter Project, where part...
Does My Vote Matter Summary Video The attached video is a 1-minute summary of the Does My Vote Matter Project, intersplic...