Summary Video – Media Saves the Beach To summarize the findings and process of the Media Saves the Beach Project, the followi...
Storyboard Draft Handout – Media Saves the Beach This handout is a blank storyboarding template to help students prepare scenes for thei...
Writing Rubric – Media Saves the Beach This rubric is meant to help student's evaluate their Beach Report assigned to them as ...
Beach Report Prompt This is a writing prompt for the Beach Report, which was assigned to student's of the M...
Water Under UV Light Photo A picture of capsules of water collected by students being held under UV light to kill ...
Students Critiquing Student Photos A group of four students sitting at a table comparing and critiquing each others photos...
Students in a Lab Analyzing Water Samples Two students in lab coats analyzing samples of water that they had gathered from water ...
Students Collecting Ocean Water Samples Two Students standing at the edge of the ocean with tools that allow them to collect wa...
A Student Taking a Photo of the Beach A group of students at the beach all with worksheets for the Media Saves the Beach proj...
Student Recording Ocean Water Quality A student at the beach is recording water data with a project worksheet on a clipboard ...