Project Overview Slide Show – Storytellers of the Land This is slide deck that goes over the journey that students went on for the Storyteller...
Rabbit Trail Camera Photo A rabbit is caught in a trail camera for the Storytellers of the Land project. This pro...
Night Owl Trail Camera Photo An owl is caught flying in a trail camare for the Storytellers of the Land project. Thi...
Deer Trail Camera Photo A deer is caught in a trail camera for the Storytellers of the Land project. This proje...
Spotted Eggs – Storytellers of the Land Several spotted eggs are seen in an incubator for the Storytellers of the Land project....
Exhibition Photo 2 – Storytellers of the Land A student is showing an adult their research poster during the Storytellers of the Lan...
Exhibition Photo 1 – Storytellers of the Land An attendee is asking questions about information on a student's research poster for th...
Student Studying Wildlife Photos Students are studying trail photos of wildlife on a laptop while taking notes for the S...
Students with Food Web A student is overlooking a food web that they are helping to create for the Storytellers...
Field Trip – Storytellers of the Land This photo shows students taking pictures of local plant life as reference material for...